
Wow. It's been awhile since I've written a post. The tumult of the last two months has left me grasping for words. Has found me moving through my life one step at a time, just trying to keep my head above water. Reconciling the legacy of a person you once knew and the things they... Continue Reading →


When you hear the news you will not understand. Once it hits you - your breath will leave your chest. When it returns to you, gasping, you will let a wail follow you down the street as you rush to your car. Sit behind the wheel and weep - let the full weight of your mourning... Continue Reading →

Peter Pan

When I was a little girl I wanted to be peter pan. Or at least to be swept away by him in the night - to fly off to a land where I would never have to grow up. I remember crying to my mother at 4 years old, devastated by the realization that I... Continue Reading →


During my stay in London, I made an intentional effort to spend time alone. I was trying to investigate what existed underneath the layers of self I had created for the needs and desires of other people - to discover who I was without the context of all the people I have known. So I... Continue Reading →


The list of things I hold against myself has gotten much too long. It's time for clearing out the cobwebs. For letting the sun stream in and releasing myself, and others, from my unrealistic expectations.


I recently spent almost a month in London. I was there to study theatre at the Globe - and it happened to be at this really weird time in my life where I had just started going to therapy and I was incredibly disillusioned with most everything. To put it more frankly, I was depressed. And had been for several months. So this trip functioned not only as an incredible... Continue Reading →

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